That’s a wrap

That’s a wrap

Day 31!

I have been so encouraged as I have dug into this #green31 challenge to find practical, important ways to incorporate global thinking (world-saving, as I refer to it some days) into daily practice. I have to say it’s empowering when I look at a list of 31 different ways–many of which I can do every day–that can make a long-term impact, no matter where I live.
Thanks, too, for your input, suggestions and questions about the ways you, too, are ‘saving the world’ in all sorts of small (and not so small), loving ways.
I’ll leave you with my favorite suggestion:
‘Allocate grocery money in such a way that anything leftover can be donated to support a local food bank/food rescue. That way, our choices to live simply literally nourish another.’
#littlethings #biglove #livesimply #creativity #careforcreation #dignityofthehumanperson #rightsofworkersanddignityofwork #preferentialoptionforthepoor #solidarity #rightsandresponsibilities #calltoparticipation #fairtrademonth #green31 #write31days
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