Sabbath: Joy

Sabbath: Joy

frozen, berries, red, winter, advent

Gracious God,

You know this heart–its impatience, imperfections and tenderness.

You hear the cries of those who are without–whose circumstances won’t afford the luxury of joyful anticipation.

In the midst of all of this, we celebrate joy!

The truth that I have learned and re-learned–is that I see the most joy in those who have only you.

Without romanticizing real need, help me to find my footing in this in-between place of having…and not having.

Remind me while I wait, that you are already here.

Make tangible for me your movement here and now that I might see and feel and hear your presence with me even as I wait. Enliven this heart with creativity, urgency and joy to recognize and celebrate the ways you are with us, and to prepare you a place in forgotten corners.

I pray when you come, you might find me dancing, pausing to notice that the long wait is over and that the celebration continues. Amen.

Katie Cassady
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