

Call to Community, Family & Participation

By Katie Cassady / July 23, 2019 / Comments Off on Call to Community, Family & Participation

Opening Prayer If you like to use music in prayer, I might suggest this virtual performance of We Are Called, by the St. Paul Young Adult Choir: https://youtu.be/TsQ_kANdM6U Loving God, Three in One, You created persons for one another; a reflection of Trinitarian relationship. So hungry for relationship are we, that ‘Our hearts are restless until we […]

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Life & Dignity of the Human person, Part II

By Katie Cassady / July 23, 2019 / Comments Off on Life & Dignity of the Human person, Part II

Opening Prayer For those wishing to begin with an opening song, I’d recommend this one. A good Scripture passage would be 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been […]

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a fleshy plant, plants, potted plant

Spring Break & Other Joys

By Katie Cassady / March 23, 2019 / Comments Off on Spring Break & Other Joys

As I sit down to write, my husband is refereeing the battle going on upstairs between sisters—it seems an appropriate time to reflect gratefully on the next week we’ll have together with no school.  I don’t have a sister, so this is my first formal taste of the squabbling, and whew! It is fierce and […]

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splash, jump, dive

jumping in

By Katie Cassady / January 16, 2018 / Comments Off on jumping in

Metaphorically speaking, I’d like to classify myself as the cannon-ball type–The one who sprints to the edge of the dock, tucks, and hits in the water without hesitation (and on a hot summer day, I am). The truth is I wear three layers every day for about six months of the year. I am  rarely […]

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mailbox, wall, post

wandering in wonder

By Katie Cassady / December 13, 2017 / Comments Off on wandering in wonder

This morning, my daughter’s class was talking about the people in our community. They brainstormed a list of people they know in their communities, and the jobs they each perform. Firefighters and police officers topped the list. Beyond some of these more prominent, public figures, there was a lot of brainstorming. While some listed the professions […]

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lamp, oil lamp, nostalgia

Wild Hope

By Katie Cassady / December 10, 2017 / Comments Off on Wild Hope

A prayer of hope Gracious God, make me a seeker of far-off things,long-awaited things.  Find me steadfastly following,even in the darkness clinging to wild hope for an encounter with you–unbelievable and brief as it might be. Should I receive such grace, I pray that you find me with heart out-poured,strengthened to continue on carrying in a new way […]

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winter, plant, branch

For the Love

By Katie Cassady / December 3, 2017 / Comments Off on For the Love

A prayer in Advent Christ of my heart, I can feel your nearness. I want so badly to touch you and feel you with me. I hear stories of violence, war and voices calling out to the love they know is You and I imagine your heart pulled toward these calls–reaching out to touch them, […]

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