

house, door, doorway


By Katie Cassady / December 3, 2020 / 2 Comments

As the finality of 2020 begins to come into focus, I have been fixating on thresholds; the boundaries that help us to define one thing from another. On some level, I think we are all fixating on the need to step over this particular pandemic threshold and into whatever comes after it. As it happens […]

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pine, cone, wreath

Bringer of Light

By Katie Cassady / December 23, 2017 / Comments Off on Bringer of Light

Ever Faithful One, bringer of Light. The week is beginning whether or not I am ready.  As the days unfurl, I am asking for many things: Peace. Patience. Perspective. I believe that it is You upon whom the future rests. Would that my life and love model this trust– let this peace settle deep within me. When I am troubled […]

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lights, holiday, bright

In Plain Sight

By Katie Cassady / December 22, 2017 / Comments Off on In Plain Sight

Silently, they peered from the south-facing front yard. I saw them peeking over cars. Reverent, beautiful, cold.   Sisters, swinging wildly through the mid-winter air, late afternoon shadows, cast long and blue. Giggling, shrieking, oblivious to all but one another.   Taking in the scene before them, I looked again– What are they seeing?   […]

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ears, ear, ear lobe

Active Listening

By Katie Cassady / December 17, 2017 / Comments Off on Active Listening

I am listening.I am watching.I am dizzy over the peace you describe.Wolves guests of the lamb? No harm or ruin on your holy mountain?A rescue for the poor?Lives saved?I am listening.I am watching.Strengthen me to hear your voice,that I might be animated by your Spirit. That  when the words and work before me feel futile, […]

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frozen, berries, red

Sabbath: Joy

By Katie Cassady / December 10, 2017 / Comments Off on Sabbath: Joy

Gracious God, You know this heart–its impatience, imperfections and tenderness. You hear the cries of those who are without–whose circumstances won’t afford the luxury of joyful anticipation. In the midst of all of this, we celebrate joy! The truth that I have learned and re-learned–is that I see the most joy in those who have only you. […]

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winter, plant, branch

For the Love

By Katie Cassady / December 3, 2017 / Comments Off on For the Love

A prayer in Advent Christ of my heart, I can feel your nearness. I want so badly to touch you and feel you with me. I hear stories of violence, war and voices calling out to the love they know is You and I imagine your heart pulled toward these calls–reaching out to touch them, […]

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candle, flame, candlelight, advent, hope

Sabbath: Hope

By Katie Cassady / December 3, 2017 / Comments Off on Sabbath: Hope

Light of the nations. You are my hope. I come to you in the darkness–morning and night–looking to the One who out of love, became human. I am seeking signs of Your light. With a single candle lit, I will wait. Watching in unlikely places for movement,that my heart, too, might be moved. Moved from places of blindness to […]

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cones, autumn, green

Sabbath Prayer

By Katie Cassady / September 3, 2017 / Comments Off on Sabbath Prayer

Generous and loving God I praise you for the gift of rest offered. May I embrace the treasure of an unhurried day A day that unfolds peacefully. That I might accept it for exactly what it is exactly what I need;  a gift offered. Lord you are the Giver of All Good gifts I pray that you find me […]

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feet, boots, walking

Trudging toward Triduum

By Katie Cassady / April 9, 2017 / Comments Off on Trudging toward Triduum

A prayer for approaching Triduum: This is where it seems to hinge, my resolve is weak. The season of sparsity has drug on. The voices in my head and the voices of the past, quiver,’Why have you abandoned me?’ Feelings of loneliness and doubt linger reminders of brokenness, abound. Trudging toward Triduum I join the […]

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