

Me neither

By Katie Cassady / May 12, 2018 / Comments Off on Me neither

May has been a beautiful, emotional kind of month already. I told my husband on Thursday night that I feel like I’m in the middle of so many pieces of my heart right now… An empty beehive. An invitation to a writer’s workshop–contingent upon someone else dropping out. Another birthday for my oldest. Another mother’s […]

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hyacinth, white, spring

Maundy Thursday

By Katie Cassady / March 29, 2018 / Comments Off on Maundy Thursday

As I write, the spring sun chasing snow from the shadows of our yard. We’re tending four, adolescent chickens in our basement until it is warm enough to send them outside. Fellow bee club members are offering a crash-course in swarm-catching as my beloved beehive succumbed to a mite infestation last week.  I’m devouring Christie […]

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lights, holiday, bright

In Plain Sight

By Katie Cassady / December 22, 2017 / Comments Off on In Plain Sight

Silently, they peered from the south-facing front yard. I saw them peeking over cars. Reverent, beautiful, cold.   Sisters, swinging wildly through the mid-winter air, late afternoon shadows, cast long and blue. Giggling, shrieking, oblivious to all but one another.   Taking in the scene before them, I looked again– What are they seeing?   […]

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A tale of two Advents

By Katie Cassady / December 5, 2017 / Comments Off on A tale of two Advents

Holy ordinary Advent breezed in this weekend without the pomp and circumstance we might be inclined to give it, just as it does every year—with dimmed lights, flickering candles and space for quiet—everyday reminders to help carve out space for the holy in our ordinary. Even more fittingly, we celebrated the arrival of our Church’s’ […]

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cake, birth, birthday cake

32: Loved Hard

By Katie Cassady / July 6, 2017 / Comments Off on 32: Loved Hard

I doubt I’m unique in this–maybe deliriously oblivious to my own aging–but I love birthdays (including my own). Not because of the gifts—actually I sort of dread that part. I think they are important mile-markers at least, opportunities for gratitude at best.   Each year, I do try to sit for a while with what has […]

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tunnel, cave, fortress

I hear you, Mary

By Katie Cassady / April 18, 2017 / Comments Off on I hear you, Mary

(This is a real time conversation in my head that began on Good Friday and continues inconveniently and honestly, into the Easter season). Connecting with Scripture A wise woman I know leads Advent retreats in which she invites retreatants to imagine the role that they might play in the nativity story and anything is fair game– […]

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pregnant, shoes babies, spring

Blessing Over an Expectant Mom

By Katie Cassady / October 9, 2016 / Comments Off on Blessing Over an Expectant Mom

(To be used at a shower, or as a stand alone blessing ritual). In You, O God rests our hope for answered prayers. In You Elizabeth, Mary, Rachel and Hannah entrusted the futures of their families, and You answered them— In ’round about, unforeseen, surprising and long-awaited, comings. Blessed be the longing that brought ___ […]

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