

matriarchs and comadres

By Katie Cassady / February 13, 2020 / Comments Off on matriarchs and comadres

Esther, Ruth, Naomi, Rachel, Elizabeth, Anna, Hannah, Sarah–I love learning about these mothers of our faith! I love thinking about the women who have gone before us. And, I aspire to learn from them. Blame it on my old soul. In the spirit of matriarchs, I decided to forgo the perfectly curated greenery image for this post, […]

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flowers, landscape, lupines

Miss. Rumphius’ New Year’s Challenge

By Katie Cassady / January 16, 2020 / Comments Off on Miss. Rumphius’ New Year’s Challenge

Happy New Year! I hope this finds you adjusting to writing 20 instead of 19—or 2020 as my oldest warned me, so that time travelers do not come in and try to re-write history by post-dating my entries. Food for thought, anyway. It seems books are the way that I often choose to get my […]

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Something Less Heartbreaking

By Katie Cassady / September 15, 2019 / Comments Off on Something Less Heartbreaking

Today we attended a Baptism for the newest member of the Body of believers. We also acknowledge that our firstborn has been a Christian for several years—part of the body of believers. What a magnificent and challenging reality that is to live into. We know this because there are days this reality is difficult for us […]

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Summer of the Bumbles

By Katie Cassady / August 23, 2019 / Comments Off on Summer of the Bumbles

This summer has literally been the summer of the bumble bees around here. As a rule, I am always on the search for my girls (honey bees, not kids) out and about, but there is an added layer of delight when I find the busy girl to be one of the bumble bee family. I […]

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herbal tea, herbs, tee

sense of place

By Katie Cassady / June 13, 2019 / Comments Off on sense of place

There’s been a long radio silence on my end—not for any particular reason, just the ebb and flow of the end of the school year and change of seasons that make a gal’s creative juices available at all times to all people and my words don’t always make it out onto the keyboard. I hope […]

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desert, sand, dry

closing in on Holy Week

By Katie Cassady / April 17, 2019 / Comments Off on closing in on Holy Week

The season of Lent is often referred to as a journey or a desert—a place to be navigated as foreigners on the search. The Old Testament stories remind us that there is no preparing for the events that unfold, or how they unfold in our own hearts. I’ve mentioned it before, but if you need […]

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washing machine, laundry, tumble drier

An ode to Zumba and other things saving me right now

By Katie Cassady / February 3, 2019 / Comments Off on An ode to Zumba and other things saving me right now

Grateful for the space I’m finally sitting down to write after nearly a week of making room for a voracious stomach bug in this house. In a series of unfortunate events, my husband and I both woke to this little demon on the same night–hours apart from one another. This novel occurrence hasn’t come up […]

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Me neither

By Katie Cassady / May 12, 2018 / Comments Off on Me neither

May has been a beautiful, emotional kind of month already. I told my husband on Thursday night that I feel like I’m in the middle of so many pieces of my heart right now… An empty beehive. An invitation to a writer’s workshop–contingent upon someone else dropping out. Another birthday for my oldest. Another mother’s […]

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hyacinth, white, spring

Maundy Thursday

By Katie Cassady / March 29, 2018 / Comments Off on Maundy Thursday

As I write, the spring sun chasing snow from the shadows of our yard. We’re tending four, adolescent chickens in our basement until it is warm enough to send them outside. Fellow bee club members are offering a crash-course in swarm-catching as my beloved beehive succumbed to a mite infestation last week.  I’m devouring Christie […]

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A tale of two Advents

By Katie Cassady / December 5, 2017 / Comments Off on A tale of two Advents

Holy ordinary Advent breezed in this weekend without the pomp and circumstance we might be inclined to give it, just as it does every year—with dimmed lights, flickering candles and space for quiet—everyday reminders to help carve out space for the holy in our ordinary. Even more fittingly, we celebrated the arrival of our Church’s’ […]

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