Living Simply

Living Simply

Cleaners at

Consider the cleaners

By Katie Cassady / October 21, 2017 / Comments Off on Consider the cleaners

Do you notice how the smell of the grocery store changes when you get to the cleaning product aisle? The scents alone that accompany our cleaning products have a long reach. Interestingly no cleaner is required to smell good–they’re only required to clean. Most of the active ingredients in cleaners are treated in wastewater treatment […]

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Recycling bags at

recycle ’em

By Katie Cassady / October 20, 2017 / Comments Off on recycle ’em

Perhaps the most mundane and efficient way to reduce waste, is not to pick it up in the first place. Plastic bags accompany nearly every shopping trip we take–some stores who take their work especially seriously, will double bag all of your bags. Leaving you with a quickly-mulitiplying load of bags that aren’t good for […]

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walk, ride, carpool

By Katie Cassady / October 19, 2017 / Comments Off on walk, ride, carpool

Man, is this a challenge pointed at me! Admittedly this whole #green31 project was inspired in part to assuage my own guilt for driving (& not a hybrid) everywhere and anywhere I need to go. I do try to give myself at least a day a week where (other than school) I’m not going anywhere. […]

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Air dry at


By Katie Cassady / October 18, 2017 / Comments Off on air-dry

Air-drying. We are faced with this choice in nearly every public bathroom there is. Choosing to implement the hand dryer rather than the paper towel dispenser is a simple step you can take any day–especially outside of your home. And, we’ve already talked about eliminating paper towels/napkins from the home. According to one website: “If […]

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Get Creative Recycling at

get creative

By Katie Cassady / October 16, 2017 / Comments Off on get creative

I am that old woman in the room who save tissue paper, ribbons & gift bags (I draw the line at wrapping paper–I have standards, you know!). It will probably embarrass my children and family for decades to come that their gifts and the gifts we give their friends, come wrapped in newspaper, grocery bags […]

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cones, autumn, green

Sabbath Prayer

By Katie Cassady / September 3, 2017 / Comments Off on Sabbath Prayer

Generous and loving God I praise you for the gift of rest offered. May I embrace the treasure of an unhurried day A day that unfolds peacefully. That I might accept it for exactly what it is exactly what I need;  a gift offered. Lord you are the Giver of All Good gifts I pray that you find me […]

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bees, insects, blossom

Honey Flow

By Katie Cassady / July 2, 2017 / Comments Off on Honey Flow

It’s the first of July this weekend—my favorite month of the year; appropriately greeted by a maiden voyage in my canoe, followed by cold beverages in the sand. It was hot and sunny—just as it should be in my humble opinion.  Not one thing was accomplished on my to-do list today. It was perfection. Abundance […]

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woman, sleeping, sofa

Tired Prayer

By Katie Cassady / November 20, 2016 / Comments Off on Tired Prayer

Gracious God, you created this world and every part of it out of love and I am straining to see with the eyes of love with which you gaze. My words feel redundant, stale, used up, and yet I hear you coaxing,inviting me to tell you about the stirrings of my heart. All that is […]

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