Family Life

Family Life

bike, red, wheel

Signs of Life

By Katie Cassady / August 24, 2020 / Comments Off on Signs of Life

Back in January, while in motivation mode, I used one of those word generators that would help give some focus to my year, some area of growth to focus on. The generator supplied a word like failure, brokenness, or death– something along those lines. I quickly pulled back from the whole idea and reminded myself […]

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picole, coco, palette

A birthday, anniversary, funeral & Baptism

By Katie Cassady / July 18, 2019 / Comments Off on A birthday, anniversary, funeral & Baptism

This month, I get to celebrate a birthday, an anniversary, a funeral, and a Baptism. Four distinct snapshots of a life—my own and others’. Birthday It’s no secret that July is my favorite month: watermelon, sweet corn, sunflowers, bees, books, writing, hikes, pools—and very little structure on the calendar. What’s not to love?! In a […]

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a fleshy plant, plants, potted plant

Spring Break & Other Joys

By Katie Cassady / March 23, 2019 / Comments Off on Spring Break & Other Joys

As I sit down to write, my husband is refereeing the battle going on upstairs between sisters—it seems an appropriate time to reflect gratefully on the next week we’ll have together with no school.  I don’t have a sister, so this is my first formal taste of the squabbling, and whew! It is fierce and […]

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washing machine, laundry, tumble drier

An ode to Zumba and other things saving me right now

By Katie Cassady / February 3, 2019 / Comments Off on An ode to Zumba and other things saving me right now

Grateful for the space I’m finally sitting down to write after nearly a week of making room for a voracious stomach bug in this house. In a series of unfortunate events, my husband and I both woke to this little demon on the same night–hours apart from one another. This novel occurrence hasn’t come up […]

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Mid-September is wooing me

By Katie Cassady / September 14, 2018 / Comments Off on Mid-September is wooing me

The sunflowers are giving up the fight—after being pummeled by wind, squirrels, and finches, they won’t last. Thus, the pile of sorted seeds air-drying on the kitchen floor. (A lovely science experiment that looks a bit like loose-leaf tea arrayed on construction paper). At first glance, it’s an invitation to curious, little fingers. Upon closer […]

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bee, honey bee, insect


By Katie Cassady / February 8, 2018 / Comments Off on paradox

It’s been a long time since I sat down to write. That’s probably telling; a reminder that I need some quiet time, and a reflection of the pace of the day- to-day. Sound familiar? For whatever reason, February is jam-packed for us, annually. As a practice, this is not something I try brag about—actually it’s […]

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pearl, chaplet, beads


By Katie Cassady / July 31, 2017 / Comments Off on Pearls

Recently a paper-clipped envelope headed for the bank on my morning errands, was misplaced. This brought on a bit of a panic into our little abode. Checking diligently in all of the places it might have been, I tore our house apart doing my best to think logically, remain clear-headed, and introduce the St. Anthony prayer to our little ladies […]

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cake, birth, birthday cake

32: Loved Hard

By Katie Cassady / July 6, 2017 / Comments Off on 32: Loved Hard

I doubt I’m unique in this–maybe deliriously oblivious to my own aging–but I love birthdays (including my own). Not because of the gifts—actually I sort of dread that part. I think they are important mile-markers at least, opportunities for gratitude at best.   Each year, I do try to sit for a while with what has […]

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