

A tale of two Advents

By Katie Cassady / December 5, 2017 / Comments Off on A tale of two Advents

Holy ordinary Advent breezed in this weekend without the pomp and circumstance we might be inclined to give it, just as it does every year—with dimmed lights, flickering candles and space for quiet—everyday reminders to help carve out space for the holy in our ordinary. Even more fittingly, we celebrated the arrival of our Church’s’ […]

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winter, plant, branch

For the Love

By Katie Cassady / December 3, 2017 / Comments Off on For the Love

A prayer in Advent Christ of my heart, I can feel your nearness. I want so badly to touch you and feel you with me. I hear stories of violence, war and voices calling out to the love they know is You and I imagine your heart pulled toward these calls–reaching out to touch them, […]

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candle, flame, candlelight, advent, hope

Sabbath: Hope

By Katie Cassady / December 3, 2017 / Comments Off on Sabbath: Hope

Light of the nations. You are my hope. I come to you in the darkness–morning and night–looking to the One who out of love, became human. I am seeking signs of Your light. With a single candle lit, I will wait. Watching in unlikely places for movement,that my heart, too, might be moved. Moved from places of blindness to […]

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tart, jam, dessert


By Katie Cassady / November 21, 2017 / Comments Off on unexpected

I’ve been on hiatus in these parts recently—mostly as a detox from writing and instagram daily in October, working ahead on some Advent writing, preparing for a holiday sale I’m doing with some other small business owners in early December —let me know if you are a local Coloradan and want details about the whens/wheres […]

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castle, ruin, lake

A couple of my favorite ladies

By Katie Cassady / November 17, 2017 / Comments Off on A couple of my favorite ladies

Elizabeth of Hungary was a great many things in her relatively short life–princess, Third Order Franciscan, wife, mother, widow. We celebrate her feast today as a woman of means who felt deep compassion for those who went without: How can I bear a crown of gold when the Lord bears a crown and thorns and […]

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cones, autumn, green

Sabbath Prayer

By Katie Cassady / September 3, 2017 / Comments Off on Sabbath Prayer

Generous and loving God I praise you for the gift of rest offered. May I embrace the treasure of an unhurried day A day that unfolds peacefully. That I might accept it for exactly what it is exactly what I need;  a gift offered. Lord you are the Giver of All Good gifts I pray that you find me […]

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pearl, chaplet, beads


By Katie Cassady / July 31, 2017 / Comments Off on Pearls

Recently a paper-clipped envelope headed for the bank on my morning errands, was misplaced. This brought on a bit of a panic into our little abode. Checking diligently in all of the places it might have been, I tore our house apart doing my best to think logically, remain clear-headed, and introduce the St. Anthony prayer to our little ladies […]

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