

fall foliage, leaves, bright


By Katie Cassady / October 8, 2019 / Comments Off on Goldmine

Oh, October. How you sneak in and linger, simultaneously reminding me of beauty, release, stubbornness and the fleeting seasons. No sooner have I accepted the rhythm of the academic year and we find ourselves leaving soccer practice in the dark, dreaming up costumes and consuming all manner of allspice. Personally I agree with Anne of Green Gables; I am […]

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Something Less Heartbreaking

By Katie Cassady / September 15, 2019 / Comments Off on Something Less Heartbreaking

Today we attended a Baptism for the newest member of the Body of believers. We also acknowledge that our firstborn has been a Christian for several years—part of the body of believers. What a magnificent and challenging reality that is to live into. We know this because there are days this reality is difficult for us […]

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picole, coco, palette

A birthday, anniversary, funeral & Baptism

By Katie Cassady / July 18, 2019 / Comments Off on A birthday, anniversary, funeral & Baptism

This month, I get to celebrate a birthday, an anniversary, a funeral, and a Baptism. Four distinct snapshots of a life—my own and others’. Birthday It’s no secret that July is my favorite month: watermelon, sweet corn, sunflowers, bees, books, writing, hikes, pools—and very little structure on the calendar. What’s not to love?! In a […]

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herbal tea, herbs, tee

sense of place

By Katie Cassady / June 13, 2019 / Comments Off on sense of place

There’s been a long radio silence on my end—not for any particular reason, just the ebb and flow of the end of the school year and change of seasons that make a gal’s creative juices available at all times to all people and my words don’t always make it out onto the keyboard. I hope […]

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desert, sand, dry

closing in on Holy Week

By Katie Cassady / April 17, 2019 / Comments Off on closing in on Holy Week

The season of Lent is often referred to as a journey or a desert—a place to be navigated as foreigners on the search. The Old Testament stories remind us that there is no preparing for the events that unfold, or how they unfold in our own hearts. I’ve mentioned it before, but if you need […]

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a fleshy plant, plants, potted plant

Spring Break & Other Joys

By Katie Cassady / March 23, 2019 / Comments Off on Spring Break & Other Joys

As I sit down to write, my husband is refereeing the battle going on upstairs between sisters—it seems an appropriate time to reflect gratefully on the next week we’ll have together with no school.  I don’t have a sister, so this is my first formal taste of the squabbling, and whew! It is fierce and […]

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moon, full moon, sky

Discoveries in the Dark

By Katie Cassady / January 7, 2019 / Comments Off on Discoveries in the Dark

Happy Feast of the Epiphany—the day we commemorate the arrival of the Magi at the birthplace of the Christ child, by way of a star. It is also the day our Eastern brothers and sisters celebrate their Christmas feast. The Magi have always held a particular place of intrigue in my heart.  No doubt this […]

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