

broom against wall, broom

Humble offerings

By Katie Cassady / November 29, 2022 / Comments Off on Humble offerings

This is far and away my favorite season for its metaphors of darkness and light, Love Incarnate, and illustrations of God-with-us. I’m snatching this unexpected window for writing, as the baby finally fell asleep as it was time to leave for Mass, second-hand tea bag steeping in the stolen quiet while the rest of the gang drove off in the frosted car

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Preparing to prepare

By Katie Cassady / October 18, 2022 / Comments Off on Preparing to prepare

Because I was expecting last year, one of the best gifts I gave myself was a peaceful Advent. I’ve mentioned before that I attempt to prepare as though Christmas were on November 25 so I am not making myself crazy at my favorite time of year, to lean in and slow down. Everybody has their own system and this may not work for you, but if it sounds appealing, here is a list of some ideas worth preparing for and keeping it simple while having a ripple effect on the wider community.

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tea candle, tee light, heat

Light in the darkness

By Katie Cassady / December 5, 2020 / 2 Comments

Snowy mornings make Advent tangible to me. When the stars align, it may lead to tiptoeing downstairs into the dark, still-cold morning quiet and lingering in prayer. The rarity of being the only one up, or the overcast morning shadows in a state with lots of sunshine, reminds my body that these are treasures and […]

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house, door, doorway


By Katie Cassady / December 3, 2020 / 2 Comments

As the finality of 2020 begins to come into focus, I have been fixating on thresholds; the boundaries that help us to define one thing from another. On some level, I think we are all fixating on the need to step over this particular pandemic threshold and into whatever comes after it. As it happens […]

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train, station, transportation

Playing the Waiting Game

By Katie Cassady / November 5, 2020 / Comments Off on Playing the Waiting Game

We see a house on our drive to school each morning that has had the words “This too shall pass” chalked on their brick wall since March. And it’s true. But with its truth comes a doggedly tired, ragtag people, eagerly searching the horizon for signs of life. I look to this wall every day […]

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globe trotter, traveller, globe

expectations and detours

By Katie Cassady / December 11, 2019 / Comments Off on expectations and detours

Funny story.  My daughter’s teacher sent out a request for family members to come in and talk about their holiday traditions. I mentioned that I’d be interested in reading my favorite book, Pippin the Christmas Pig, and like any good teacher who knows the value of volunteers, she graciously encouraged me to come. I did a test-run […]

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moon, full moon, sky

Discoveries in the Dark

By Katie Cassady / January 7, 2019 / Comments Off on Discoveries in the Dark

Happy Feast of the Epiphany—the day we commemorate the arrival of the Magi at the birthplace of the Christ child, by way of a star. It is also the day our Eastern brothers and sisters celebrate their Christmas feast. The Magi have always held a particular place of intrigue in my heart.  No doubt this […]

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trees, smoke, wood

smoldering expectations

By Katie Cassady / November 29, 2018 / Comments Off on smoldering expectations

Shannan Martin’s words have been speaking truth to my heart, lately. (*Excellent podcast, here, or put The Ministry of Ordinary Places on your hold list at the library), because she has this compelling way of making the truly mundane, shine with the light of the Incarnation and I need someone like that speaking this truth into my ear. […]

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pine, cone, wreath

Bringer of Light

By Katie Cassady / December 23, 2017 / Comments Off on Bringer of Light

Ever Faithful One, bringer of Light. The week is beginning whether or not I am ready.  As the days unfurl, I am asking for many things: Peace. Patience. Perspective. I believe that it is You upon whom the future rests. Would that my life and love model this trust– let this peace settle deep within me. When I am troubled […]

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