Katie Cassady

crucifix, wooden crucifix

No such thing as a pretty Lent

Call me captain obvious, but I’m finding (once again) that there is nothing pretty about entering Lent. Beautiful? Absolutely. Growing? Definitely. Palatable? Less so.

This morning already, even while chocolate cookies bake for fat Tuesday, I’m mentally readying myself for the stark season we embark on tomorrow, and even the mundane to-do list smacks of little deaths and resurrections:

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Riotous Roots

The newness of the new year feels like it is settling in. One by one, the Christmas lights on our street are being turned off, the stock show is in town, and school is back in session. Maybe you are off and running with your resolutions or re-calibrating and keeping a steady pace. Either way, I wish you peace and a spirit of searching as we mull over the Epiphany that springs us forward.

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broom against wall, broom

Humble offerings

This is far and away my favorite season for its metaphors of darkness and light, Love Incarnate, and illustrations of God-with-us. I’m snatching this unexpected window for writing, as the baby finally fell asleep as it was time to leave for Mass, second-hand tea bag steeping in the stolen quiet while the rest of the gang drove off in the frosted car

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Preparing to prepare

Because I was expecting last year, one of the best gifts I gave myself was a peaceful Advent. I’ve mentioned before that I attempt to prepare as though Christmas were on November 25 so I am not making myself crazy at my favorite time of year, to lean in and slow down. Everybody has their own system and this may not work for you, but if it sounds appealing, here is a list of some ideas worth preparing for and keeping it simple while having a ripple effect on the wider community.

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