Preparing to prepare

Preparing to prepare

Because I was expecting last year, one of the best gifts I gave myself was a peaceful Advent. I’ve mentioned before that I attempt to prepare as though Christmas were on November 25 so I am not making myself crazy at my favorite time of year, to lean in and slow down. Everybody has their own system and this may not work for you, but if it sounds appealing, here is a list of some ideas worth preparing for and keeping it simple while having a ripple effect on the wider community.

I don’t usually do much regarding shopping ideas because there are a million holiday gift guides (and I’m excited to encourage folks to not spend money), but if you do buy gifts, here are a handful of great organizations with creative missions and thoughtful products.

Something to wear

Empowered Goods— beautiful hand-made jewelry that gives women in Mexico a living wage.

Brick House in the City–Ethically made, Catholic tees for women/men/children. So thoughtful and well-designed! *Watch for Advent devotional here, too.

Bombas– Super comfy socks, and for every pair purchased, one is donated.

Something to Read

**I”ll admit that there is an inverse correlation between night time wakings and reading recommendations.

Give Us This Day— Reflections and daily readings for the Liturgical year; easy to subscribe on someone else’s behalf or provide for someone who is incarcerated.

Evangelization and Culture— beautiful journal put out by the Word on Fire Institute

Pray for Us & Saints Around the World The Saints Around the World book is a favorite at our house. Meg is a knowledgeable and gifted writer who is able to describe the real lives of saints in a way that is tangible.

Become a Patreon supporter for Mothering Spirit, and support the wider mission of ecumenical dialogue and prayerful reflections on parenting. **Reminder: Send yourself and/or a friend on virtual Parable: A Retreat on Change for Ordinary time (held over the lunch hour) October 26-28, Sing a New Song Birth Stories retreat with Mothering Spirit (November 4-6). Other dates yet to be announced.

Hallow-an app for those wanting a variety of prayer and relaxation resources.

Something you want

Blessed is She Advent devotional, 2023 Planner, candles, etc. (Affiliate)

Equal Exchange Coffee, Tea & Chocolate

Cards by Anne

Come Be Our Light matchsticks, perfect for Advent wreaths and small hands.

Advent wreath

10,000 Villages Fair Trade home goods

The Chosen series–I’m still 10/10 recommending this series and anxiously anticipating season 3! You can purchase DVDs for your own viewing or pay it forward for someone else.

Something you need (or something someone else needs)

*Clearly you are the best judge of what you need. But, if you need any help meeting the needs of others, here are some outstanding organizations leading the charge:

International Justice Mission– Working to end human trafficking (modern day slavery)

Catholic Relief Services– Provides humanitarian aid to people in need around the world

Heifer International– teaches farming and agriculture in communities to promote self-sufficiency, education and clean water

Homeboy Industries supports those getting out and staying out of gangs and prison.


I’d love to learn about organizations that you support this time of year or any time!

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